

2023-07-01 08:50:00投稿 -人已围观

拒绝摩羯座吃饭 "Hey, wanna grab some lunch together?" My friend enthusiastically asked me. I hesitated for a second before answering, "Actually, I think I'll pass for now." "Why not? Don't tell me you're on a diet again." My friend rolled her eyes. "No, it's not that. I just don't feel like eating with you-know-who." I whispered, nodding my head towards the corner where the solitary figure of a guy sat, scrolling on his phone. My friend's facial expression turned sour at the mention of his name - Axel, a Capricorn. "Don't tell me you still hold a grudge against him for something that happened years ago!" She pouted. I shook my head slightly. The truth was, I didn't really hold any grudges against him - it was just that eating with him always felt like a chore. As a Leo, I'm flamboyant and energetic, always craving excitement and the company of people who share my outgoing nature. But Axel, he's a textbook Capricorn. Reserved, practical, and often lacking in humor or wit. Every time we grab lunch together, it feels like I'm pulling teeth trying to keep the conversation going. At first, I tried to make an effort in getting to know him better. I tried to find common interests we could talk about, shared jokes or stories that could hopefully lead to a friendship. But nothing seemed to click between us. I'd try to engage him in a conversation and he'd respond with curt one-liners that didn't encourage further dialogue. I'd try to share my opinions on things, only to have him brush off my ideas as unrealistic or impractical in real life. Conversations with him felt like a one-sided game of pong, where I was always trying to keep the ball in play but never able to make a shot. Eventually, I gave up. I realized that sometimes, personalities just don't mesh well, and trying to force a connection where there isn't one is more headache than it's worth. So when my friend asked me to grab lunch with her and Axel, I politely declined. I didn't want to spend an hour feeling awkward and forced to make small talk over a meal. "I just don't think we have much in common." I explained to my friend. "Wait, are you sure there's nothing else going on?" My friend prodded. I shrugged, "Not really. It's just... well, I don't enjoy his company, that's all." My friend frowned but quickly shook it off. "Suit yourself, then. Let's go somewhere else." I nodded and we left the cafeteria together. As we walked away, I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty for my aversion to Axel. He wasn't a 阅读更多十二星座情侣速配 内容请关注:wWw.fEixingGu.cOm(bad person by any means - just not someone I could connect with. But should that be enough to justify turning down a meal with him? In the end, I firmly believe that nobody owes anyone their time or attention. Friendship and connection should be earned, not demanded. I'm sure Axel has his own circle of friends who appreciate his Capricornian nature. And I have mine, made up of people whose fire and zest for life match my own. So I'll continue to politely decline invitations to lunch with Axel. Not out of ill-will or spite, but simply because some personalities, no matter how well-intentioned, just don't vibe. And that's okay.

Tags: 摩羯座 吃饭 拒绝
