

2023-08-01 08:42:23匿名 -人已围观

Icebox Kitchen Fengshui Taboos In fengshui, the kitchen is considered a very important part of the house and is recognized as the heart of the home. It is the place where food is prepared and where families gather to share meals. As such, it is essential to ensure that your kitchen has good fengshui. One of the essential appliances within the kitchen is the refrigerator, or icebox, which serves to keep food fresh and lasts longer. However, there are some fengshui taboos regarding the placement and use of the refrigerator in the kitchen. Firstly, the refrigerator should not be placed near the kitchen door or stove. The direct airflow from the kitchen door or stove can create cold air currents that will flow into the refrigerator, causing its energy to be reduced. This can cause food stored in the refrigerator to spoil more quickly, leading to health and financial problems. Secondly, the refrigerator should never be placed opposite the kitchen sink. According to fengshui, water symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and the sink represents the draining of wealth. If the sink is facing the refrigerator, it may cause financial difficulties and reduce prosperity in the household. Thirdly, it is recommended to avoid placing the refrigerator underneath an overhead beam as it causes an energy block that can affect the refrigerator's performance and the atmosphere of the kitchen. Fourthly, cluttered or disorganized refrigerators can create negative energy and attract tension and chaos in the household. To improve fengshui in the kitchen, ensure that the refrigerator is always clean and well-organized. Dispose of any spoiled or expired food and rotate the remaining food contents frequently to ensure that the energy of the refrigerator remains fresh and positive. Lastly, some fengshui practitioners believe that the refrigerator should not be visible from the dining area as it can create a sense of distance between diners. It is believed that when people eat, they should not be reminded of the process of preparing, storing or cooking food; hence, a well-designed kitchen should keep these functional aspects hidden from the living areas. In conclusion, proper placement and usage of the refrigerator in the kitchen is essential for good fengshui, and as such, it is necessary to observe specific fengshui taboos while considering the various placements in the{了解更多生肖常识知识请关注:wWw.xZxUE.Cc",;)}" kitchen. A well-organized and clean refrigerator is an excellent start towards achieving good fengshui, attracting positive energy and promoting harmony and prosperity in the household.

Tags: 禁忌 风水 冰箱 厨房

