2023-04-15 08:37:01互联网 -人已围观
The Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival that falls on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. It is a day to pay respect to the elderly, climb mountains, enjoy chrysanthemums, and celebrate the autumn season. However, what about foreigners? How do they celebrate the Double Ninth Festival?
In Japan, they have a similar festival called "Chōyō no sekku" or "Kiku no sekku", which means "Chrysanthemum Festival." It is also celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month, during which people go to the mountains to view chrysanthemums and eat rice cakes called "kashiwa mochi" wrapped in oak leaves. The oak leaves symbolize strength and protection, and are believed to bring good luck and long life to those who consume the rice cakes.
In South Korea, they celebrate the Double Ninth Festival as "Chung yang." Similar to Japan, they also climb mountains, fly kites, and eat rice cakes called "guksu," which are made with wheat flour and sweet potato starch. The highlight of the festival, however, is drinking "chrysanthemum wine," which is believed to have medicinal properties and is said to ward off evil spirits.
In Vietnam, they have a similar festival called "Tết Trùng Cửu," which is also celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. During this festival, people visit their ancestors' graves, climb mountains, and drink "chrysanthemum wine" made from the petals of the flower. The day is also known as the "National Day for the Elderly," a day to show love and respect towards the elderly in the community.
In Malaysia and Singapore, the Double Ninth Festival is celebrated as "Double Nine," but it is not as well-known as in other countries. However, some Chinese communities still observe the festival by visiting their elderly relatives, climbing hills, and having picnics.
In conclusion, while the Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, it has also been celebrated in other parts of Asia with variations in customs and traditions. It is heartwarming to see that even in different countries, the values of respecting elders and enjoying nature remain the same.
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