2023-05-12 08:49:06匿名 -人已围观
800字的文章 about seeing chickens nesting on trees
Seeing Chicks Nesting On Trees
I woke up in the morning, having the memory of a strange yet amusing dream still lingering in my mind. In my dream, I saw a few chickens perched on branches, clucking happily towards the sky while twisting around sand and straw.
In my previous dreams, I often saw chickens pecking at insects on the ground, or crowing in their feeding shelters. Therefore, seeing chickens nesting on trees this time around sparked my curiosity, and I decided to investigate into why chickens would do so.
After some simple research, I discovered some knowledge about why chickens nest. First, be it wild or farming chickens, it is in their nature to search for comfortable and warm nesting areas. However, for farming chickens, finding nesting areas has been altered due to the pressures of farming.
In the wild, chickens would look for nests in grass, bushes, or trees, all being natural environments. However, in farm environments, they have difficulty finding suitable nesting areas and can only choose to build nests within their shelters to protect their eggs and chicks. However, within the limited farming areas, the facilities for nesting are restricted, and thus, the chickens often lay eggs on the ground or in a collective "nest" area that is prone to infections and foot traffic, leading to injuries of the chicks and even death.
To prevent this situation from occurring, farmers have had to take measures to construct high-raised farming structures and shelves so the chickens can safely nest above. This method makes it easier for farmers to manage and maintain the farming area, and also reduces the prevalence of chicken illnesses.
Second, chickens perching and nesting on trees has become a personalized marker and has always been preferred by some. People like to construct tree-style nests for their chickens, taking advantage of their innate scratching behavior to quickly cover their poop on the branches to aid in nutrient degradation and even reduce the trouble of cleaning.
In some cases, chickens nesting on trees is a natural behavior of tropical and bold species of birds and natives of various countries in the lush jungle and water sources.
Furthermore, chickens nesting on trees have many benefits. On the one hand, perching on trees can reduce the threat of external attacks and protect eggs and chicks; on the other hand, by nesting in the tree during the evening, the morning sun can act as a disinfectant to prevent disease outbreaks.
Although the chickens nesting on trees in my dreams seemed nothing more than an illusion, delving into the reasons behind it gave me significant insights. The changes and adaptations to the environment for chickens and other living beings have profound symbolic meanings for people and ecology. At the same time, people should also pay more attention to respecting, cherishing, and protecting the natural world.
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