

2023-05-12 08:49:06匿名 -人已围观

梦见鸡在树上做窝 我清晨醒来,来自一场奇怪而有趣的梦的记忆仍然挥之不去。在我的梦境中,我看到几只鸡在树枝上对着天空用喳喳的叫声欢快地打呼噜,同时还缠着一些沙和稻草。 在我以前的梦中,我常常看到鸡在地上捕食昆虫,或是在饲养棚内集体的打鸣。所以,这次在梦里看到鸡在树上做窝,我不禁感到好奇,于是决定查询一下鸡为何会做窝在树上。 随后,我做了一些简单的调查,得知一些关于鸡做窝的知识。首先,无论是野生鸡还是养殖鸡,它们都有寻找舒适温暖巢穴的天性。但是,与野生鸡相比,养殖鸡在寻找巢穴的需要上有了变化。为了适应养殖条件的压力,天性会被改变。 在野外,鸡会在草丛、灌木丛、树丛等地寻找巢穴,这些都是天然的环境条件。而在人工养殖环境中,它们无法找到合适的巢穴,只能选择饲养棚内的设施建立巢穴,以便保护它们的蛋和幼鸡。然而,在有限的饲养区域内,巢穴的设施较为有限,鸡往往在地上或集体的窝内产卵,而且很容易受到感染或被踩踏,因此容易使幼鸡受到伤害甚至死亡。 为了避免这种情况发生,饲养者不得不采取措施,用高架式的饲养棚结构和架子来让鸡在上面安全地做巢。这种做法则更方便于饲养者管理和维护,也能减少鸡的疾病发生率。 其次,鸡在树上做巢及栖息已经成为了一种个人化的标志,一直以来就是人们的喜爱之一。有些人喜欢给自家的鸡搭建树式巢,来利用鸡天生扑蹬行为,迅速将鸡屎覆盖到枝上以降解营养,甚至减轻清理时的麻烦。 而某些情况下,鸡在树上做巢更是一种习性,如热带艳丽的鸟类和各国土著在碧绿的丛林和水源区的习性,其最常见的场景便是在树上筑巢。 此外,鸡在树上做巢还有一些好处。一方面,离地面高,树上做巢不易受到外来的威胁,保护鸡蛋和幼雏;另一方面每天傍晚,它们可以在树上栖息,通过清晨的阳光照射,可以起到杀菌消毒作用,预防疾病的爆发。 尽管梦里的鸡在树上做巢似乎仅仅只是一种幻象,但探究它背后的原因,还是让我有了很大的收获。在人文和生态方面,改变和适应自然环境对于鸡和其他生物的意义是非常深远的,同时,人们也应当更加注重尊重、爱护和保护自然界。 800字的文章 about seeing chickens nesting on trees Seeing Chicks Nesting On Trees I woke up in the morning, having the memory of a strange yet amusing dream still lingering in my mind. In my dream, I saw a few chickens perched on branches, clucking happily towards the sky while twisting around sand and straw. In my previous dreams, I often saw chickens pecking at insects on the ground, or crowing in their feeding shelters. Therefore, seeing chickens nesting on trees this time around sparked my curiosity, and I decided to investigate into why chickens would do so. After some simple research, I discovered some knowledge about why chickens nest. First, be it wild or farming chickens, it is in their nature to search for comfortable and warm nesting areas. However, for farming chickens, finding nesting areas has been altered due to the pressures of farming. In the wild, chickens would look for nests in grass, bushes, or trees, all being natural environments. However, in farm environments, they have difficulty finding suitable nesting areas and can only choose to build nests within their shelters to protect their eggs and chicks. However, within the limited farming areas, the facilities for nesting are restricted, and thus, the chickens often lay eggs on the ground or in a collective "nest" area that is prone to infections and foot traffic, leading to injuries of the chicks and even death. To prevent this situation from occurring, farmers have had to take measures to construct high-raised farming structures and shelves so the chickens can safely nest above. This method makes it easier for farmers to manage and maintain the farming area, and also reduces the prevalence of chicken illnesses. Second, chickens perching and nesting on trees has become a personalized marker and has always been preferred by some. People like to construct tree-style nests for their chickens, taking advantage of their innate scratching behavior to quickly cover their poop on the branches to aid in nutrient degradation and even reduce the trouble of cleaning. In some cases, chickens nesting on trees is a natural behavior of tropical and bold species of birds and natives of various countries in the lush jungle and water sources. Furthermore, chickens nesting on trees have many benefits. On the one hand, perching on trees can reduce the threat of external attacks and protect eggs and chicks; on the other hand, by nesting in the tree during the evening, the morning sun can act as a disinfectant to prevent disease outbreaks. Although the chickens nesting on trees in my dreams seemed nothing more than an illusion, delving into the reasons behind it gave me significant insights. The changes and adaptations to the environment for chickens and other living beings have profound symbolic meanings for people and ecology. At the same time, people should also pay more attention to respecting, cherishing, and protecting the natural world.

Tags: 树上 梦见

